When I was a child, I wanted to be
A grown up man who enjoys life in full,
Who takes things easy and controls his cool,
Who cares a little and enjoys life like tea.
I thought my childhood was a stingless bee,
Always to be meek in bondage and rule
Fixed by the grown-ups, obeyed like a bull,
Though I looked for unknown way out to flee.
But becoming an adult citizen
I realized the true meanings of bondage,
Restriction and duty unavoidable.
I missed the childhood's pleasant vernal rain
When grown-ups' words and guidance was not cage,
Rather propelled life to shine sans trouble.
To the Season of Rain
My heart is filled with joy that knows no bound
Just as all lakes are filled with water fresh
When you come with rain and thunderous sound.
O Season of Rain, I am glad to trace
Landscapes which in other seasons aren't found
As Nature adorns Herself in bright dress.
Dull must be the heart that fails to enjoy
The smiles you bring to natural objects
With green, yellow, white and other effects
On twigs, branches and boughs.Who can deny?
When perched land is thirsty under the Sun
That's scorching all objects with fiery rays;
When sapless trees, shrubs, herbs stoops to burn,
Waterbodies are to die in some days;
At that moment you come to give u-turn.
O Saviour, your advent brings rhythmic sways.
Now vibrant Nature takes breath gratefully,
Fresh leaves and flowers are by rain burnished,
All ponds and lakes to their brim replenished.
O see how they welcome you happily!
How marvelous the sky look when dark cloud
Unfurls its flag and a flight of white cranes
Does swift past flapping fast their wings aloud!
Now the temperate Sun shines, now it rains -
As if a friendly game of Sun and cloud,
And my heart enjoys it with joyous pains.
The flora and fauna are thanking you
With unique action, fragrance or colour.
O season of Action, their dull slumber
you break and put them to action anew.
You come to dispel summer's day so hot
With incessant supply of cool shower.
Though rural paths suffer uneasy lot
From knee-deep mud, the residents never
Complain because they know what will be got
Is of endless value as your favour.
O season of Birth and Vegetation!
Is it less value to see around
Birth of new plants and green leaves, with soft sound
Of patterning rain? All's your impression.
O you make more dense the verdurous wood
And teeming blossoms add colourful tinge.
With wild flowers valleys take smiling mood
When rivers in full swing and hedge makes fringe.
Cape jasmine spread fragrance so sweet and good,
Hibiscus, Kadamba add charming tinge.
Look, yellow Monsoon Cassia and scarlet
Gulmohar - as if you set their twigs ‘blaze!
Rainy breeze sways lotus flowers with craze,
Water lilies, Indigo are not late.
O Herbinger of Creation! how happy
All peasants are! Some of ploughing fields fond,
And some are busy with planting paddy.
O see the lad plunging into a pond
To collect a juicy palm! O, then see
Children play with paperboats,
Cattle feast on grass when shower takes break,
In pond mating frogs make loud croaking sound,
Amorous peacocks with spread tails dance ‘round,
And white swans in pairs swim in lotus-lake.
After heavy rain you make the Sun shine,
All enjoys the bright day's chrystaline sky.
All paths and corners, once filthy, look fine,
Fresh air bears no particle of dust dry,
Lush foliage, flowers are glistening.
O colourful rainbow! Who doesn't enjoy?
O Season of Cleanliness, cleanse my soul
Of crookedness and whatev'r gloom in me,
From dark cell of ignorance set me free,
Make me active and kind to reach my goal.
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