Sunday 25 September 2022

ইংরাজি কবিতা মালা || Paulami Mitra


                                                                    Paulomi Mitra


Silent Bliss of Flying colours,
Essence of peace in the sky,,
Divinity of Soul haunts the realm of life!
Yet too far to go to cherish moments!!

Loving beauty of peace,
Silently whispering the rhythm,,
Assembly of harmony to eternity!
The journey for immortality!!
Deep inside the heart,
Feeling of being alone,,
Who is there to hold the arms!
To feel the vibes of colours!!

To be with you,
To be in you,,
Glimpse of the sunset!
Loving the beauty of darkness!!
Too eminent to look,
Oh! The lovely eyes,,
And see! Magical tears are gone!
'My Soul' has come again to me!!
Again the day to celebrate,
When aging with time,
Smell of 'Gulal' touched the Soul!
To be happy for each day of love!!

Escape from Death

Let me decide my own life with peace,
I can create magic of rythmic love,,
I want to dance like an angel,
And when its just under your arms,
Its just a recollective senses of reminiscence,
And I need you to be my 'Hero' for ages.....

To the diversity from space,
To create moments of eternity,,
Journey to ourselves from 'You',
Just to be safe in calamity?????
Not that need,I worshipped for, 
And suddenly 'You' came to me,
When I was waiting to welcome 
'Death' in the verge of happiness!!
But you made me feel to enrich,
A 'Life Line' which is beyond this World,
And where now, I am living 'You' inside me to breathe heavenly !!


When the silence of dark night 
is just engrossing 
the beauty of blue moon,
When the delightful smile of moon 
is playing hide and seek
with the sleeping phoebus Apollo,
When the Daystar is tired
with His blazing Warmth,
When the Rays slipped tears 
silently in a whirling motion,
Yet His joy is on the Rights,
devoting Himself only to the mind....
that is in the soul....
The day will come when sin will be free,
to please Almighty on this Earth.....
To make Him happy in this Universe
slowly , gently and densely!!!!!


  1. All three poems are beautiful

  2. Beautifully written

  3. Thank you to both of us ..but I would have to love to know your names Sir or Madam

  4. All the poems are beautiful. Creativity shines from the soul of the poet. Keep up the good work Polo.

  5. JAYEETA..THANK YOU FOR WONDERFUL REVIEW..more to know from you on my upcoming you

  6. i appreciate !
